Jefferson Lucas

Youth Delegate

Visionary Leader and Economist of Renome in the Financial Vanguard

Services Offered

Global Market Analysis and Strategic Consulting

• Detailed analysis and economic forecasts for different markets.

• Evaluation of opportunities and risks, and development of market strategies.

Innovative AI-Based
Financial Solutions

• Consulting specialized in AI-driven financial solutions.

• Automation of financial processes and predictive analysis.

Investment Management and Portfolio Consulting

• Personalized investment management services.

• Construction and management of diversified portfolios.

Economic and Financial Policy Consulting

• Formulation of policies to promote economic growth and sustainable development.

• Consulting for governments and international organizations.

Economic Research
and Publications

• Research in macroeconomics, emerging market economy and technological impact.

• Publications that contribute to economic knowledge.

International Business Facilitation

• Assistance in the identification and development of business opportunities in foreign markets.

• Consulting for companies seeking to expand or establish operations abroad.

Intermediation with Foreign Banks and Development Institutions

• Assistance in navigation through international regulatory and financial complexities.

• Establishment of connections with foreign banks and development institutions for financing and investment.

Market Risk Analysis
and Investment

• Evaluation of political, economic and market risks in different regions.

•Development of investment strategies adapted to specific international contexts.

Consulting in International Trade and Economic

• Guidance on trade policies, tariffs and international regulations.

• Analysis of the impact of global economic policies on business and investments.

Who is Jefferson Lucas?

Jefferson Lucas is an accomplished economist and a visionary leader in the field of finance. His academic journey began with pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Economics at UFPB, where he honed his analytical skills and developed a deep understanding of economic principles. Expanding his foundation, he transferred to UFPE, continuing his studies in Economics.

Driven by his passion for global economics and business, Jefferson participated in an immersive program at Harvard University, focused on global economics and business. This experience broadened his knowledge and provided valuable insights into the intersection of finance and the global market.

With a solid academic background and a thirst for practical experience, he entered the financial industry in 2019. Recognizing the transformative potential of artificial intelligence, he founded BIGBOT, a prominent company specializing in AI-driven financial solutions. As the founder, he played a crucial role in defining the company’s vision, strategy, and innovative approach to using AI in the financial sector.

Currently, Jefferson serves as the Head of Global Markets at Capibaribe Analytics, a leading financial services company. In his role, he leverages his deep understanding of global economics, his expertise in AI-driven solutions, and his entrepreneurial spirit to drive strategic growth and deliver unparalleled value to clients around the world.

Jefferson’s remarkable journey from a dedicated student of economics to an innovative leader in the financial sector highlights his relentless pursuit of excellence, innovation, and results. With a unique combination of academic knowledge, practical experience, and technological mastery, he continues to shape the future of finance and empower businesses to thrive in an increasingly dynamic market.



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